Looking to another direction - Creativity and innovation

Over the years I have answered some questions that seem to be surrounded by some kind of mystery and fiction. How to achieve recognition? What luck you had, isn’t? What did you do to get good reviews of your work? How to be creative and innovative?
These questions lead me to think that the human being still does not understand the secret of success in any area, just see the amount of books written on how to be a winner.
There are several points behind a history of success and recognition whatever your area of expertise, but be creative and innovative it’s the greatest legacy.
When I decided to record my CD “Salsa’n Jazz” in Oporto-Portugal, 2009, I needed to have a differential among many experts musicians, especially on piano, so I made a point of composing all the pieces, and one of the tools that I used was to write ideas and then, play them. But how to start it?
What should I write? How? Start by melody or harmony? Well, I started with a “map” of several “claves” that will make up our Latin scene, from Brazilian rhythms to Cuban, Argentine the Puerto Ricans, in short, all the “claves” I could identify listening and studying the traditional rhythms like bachata, guajira , cumbia, zambia, merengue, danzon, milonga, not to mention of Brazilian rhythms from north to south.
I began to mix elements from one country to another, I was testing the possibilities, combined with an aesthetic sense, seeking not only be technical. I tried to listen to the result and show it to some friends to know what they thought. After returning to the studio to review all the material.
The result was the excellent reviews received in dozens of magazines and newspapers in several countries, you can see on my site, facebook or google. The great advantage of you write some ideas before touching is that you do not become repetitive, therefore you will always be innovative.
You should have your “ace in the hole” when you are not inspired, or simply do not have much more to offer, so we usually use them. But when you write something for yourself play, it will emerge as another musician inside your mind. I say this from experience.
Hence then when you play what you wrote, you will start noticing nuances that might be nice; will create rhythmic and/or melodic variations, until to start writing your own themes.
If you do not have the habit of reading and writing sheet, begin today to train. Practice just 15 minutes a day, it will give you the end of one month the capacity of reading and writing very well. Try this experiment and see how worth it.
If you think you can do it, or you think you can’t do it, You are right.” - Henry Ford.
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Um canal sobre música e desenvolvimento profissional, onde compartilho com você toda a minha trajetória como regente, pianista, produtor, educador, compositor, escritor e conferencista.
Welcome on board!

Comm. Samuel Quinto FRSA
Conductor — Pianist — Educator — Composer — Writer — Producer — Speaker, Fritz Dobbert/Kawai Artist
www.samuelquinto.com | Royal Society of Arts — UK | All About Jazz — Editor | Executive President Academia de Letras do Brasil, Phi Dr. Hoc. | Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs — USA | Consul — American Diplomatic Mission of International Relations | Chiado Publishing — Author “Improvisar é muito fácil!”


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