Against all odds

Against all odds

Be strong! Think, think!

Few days ago, I read the post by @jonwestenberg where he talked about rejection. This subject I had already been thinking for some time in writing too. It seems I was not the first nor the only one going through this traumatic experience, surely you won’t be the last one.
When I left the civil engineering college to become a professional musician for many years ago, I thought it would be able to quickly get several interesting works based on my knowledge.
Well, I tried to write a resume, but as self-taught was very difficult for schools, music conservatories accept someone like me. I went to dozens of interviews but the first thing they asked me was: What is your level degree in music? It was a terrible question! I even tried to explain that despite not having a degree in music, I could teach because I studied hard. Ok, that didn’t work at all!

It was time to try something more radical — leave Brasil and move to Europe.

I had to think of strategies to get nice contracts. I started to watch the good musicians around me and notice what they had in common.
I needed to be different. But what to do?
I decided I should take certain initial attitudes like these:
  1. Record a demo CD in the most professional way possible and then send these songs by email. But all had songs recorded.
  2. Make good pictures of myself. I started to send along with the songs.
  3. Building a good website.
  4. Record live video
  5. Record a professional CD
  6. Send it to magazines and specialized newspapers
Every developed stage, every email that I received as “NO” was a “call-to-action” to me just as @jonwestenberg said on his post.
I thought what to do to become a “product” more attractive to the market. I needed to go further, but how? How to make my music known and recognized in a serious and honest way in the whole world? Think, think!

Social Networks

When social networks emerged, was a turning point in the lives of many people, including my own. I began to connect with people, companies, groups of interest and always sending emails with my stuff.
Something interesting happened. The same people that said “NO” to me, started to send me invitations to speak to them how could I go so far. At this time I was playing, conducting or lecturing in many countries in Europe.
When I recorded my second CD “Salsa’n Jazz”, I used Twitter to tell to my friends and fans that I have made a diferent work. This time I decided to compose all the pieces that would show the world my originality and innovation — You can see about it here.
An editor of All about Jazz magazine asked me, via Twitter, a CD to write a review. Other magazines and newspapers saw this publication and then started getting good reviews in several languages.
Even with all these things going on, I still observing all the “NO’s” as a call to action.
At the end of it all, you must understand that each “no” received should you indicate a direction to take. Or you need to improve your knowledge or your personal presentation, or your contacts or simply a new path you should follow.
Remember that everybody received one or more negative answers, but against all odds you must remain steadfast, knowing that your successful or fail depends mainly on your perseverance.
If you think you can do it, or you think you can’t do it, You are right.” — Henry Ford.

I hope I have been very helpful to you. I really appreciate your support by sharing to your friends.

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Um canal sobre música e desenvolvimento profissional, onde compartilho com você toda a minha trajetória como regente, pianista, produtor, educador, compositor, escritor e conferencista.
Welcome on board!

Comm. Samuel Quinto FRSA
Conductor — Pianist — Educator — Composer — Writer — Producer — Speaker, Fritz Dobbert/Kawai Artist | Royal Society of Arts — UK | All About Jazz — Editor | Executive President Academia de Letras do Brasil, Phi Dr. Hoc. | Pennsylvania Federation of Music Clubs — USA | Consul — American Diplomatic Mission of International Relations | Chiado Publishing — Author “Improvisar é muito fácil!”


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